How to talk about your feelings in Spanish
As you know, most of our daily conversations usually start with “How are you?” So why not take a closer look at how we can respond to that question in Spanish.
Also, we often talk about our friends and family because they are the most important people in our lives and make our lives better every day:) So, let’s talk about various ways to describe your feelings, conditions, and physical aspects as well as others.
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How to Express Your Emotions – Emociones
First, let’s talk about how to say “How are you? in Spanish. These are some of the most common ones.
¿Cómo estás? (informal)
¿Cómo está usted? (formal)
¿Qué tal? (informal)
¿Cómo andas?(informal)
When someone asks you “how are you?” in Spanish, you can use these Spanish adjectives and phrases to answer.
Estoy… (I’m…)
Estás… (You are…)
Está…(He or She is…)
- Emocionado / Emocionada (Excited – male / female)
- Cansado / Cansada (Tired – male / female)
- Agotado / Agotada (Exhausted – male / female)
- Contento / Contenta (Happy/content – male / female)
- Feliz (Happy)
- Enojado / Enojada (Angry – male / female) Mexico
- Enfadado / Enfadada (Angry – male / female) Spain
- Ilusionado / Ilusionada (Hopeful – male / female)
- Preocupado / Preocupada (Worried – male/female)
- Triste (Sad)
- Asustado / Asustada (Scared – male/female)
- Enamorado /Enamorada (In love – male/female)
- Nervioso / Nerviosa (Nervous – male/female)
- Aburrido /Aburrida (Bored – male/female)
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How to Describe Your Personality – Personalidad
Soy… (I’m…)
Eres…(You are…)
Es…(He or She is…)
- Alegre (joyful)
- Feliz (happy)
- Bueno / Buena *(good as in a good person. – male / female)
- Fiel (faithful)
- Sincero / Sincera (sincere – male / femal)
- Malo / mala (bad as in a bad person – male / female)
- Rompecorazones (heartbreaker)
- Buena gente (nice person)
How to Talk about Your Conditions – Condiciones
Tengo… (I’m…)
Tienes (You’re…)
Tiene (He/she is…)
- Calor (hot – FYI, we’re only talking about the actual temperature here)
- Frío (cold)
- Hambre (hungry)
- Sed (thirsty)
- Sueño (sleepy)
Tengo…(I have)
Tienes (You have…)
Tiene (He/she has…)
- Fiebre (fever)
- Dolor de cabeza (headache)
- Dolor de estómago (stomachache)
Me duele… (My something hurts.)
Te duele… (Your something hurts.)
Le duele… (His/her something hurts.)
Me duele la cabeza (My head hurts = I have a headache.)
Te duele la mano (Your hand hurts.)
Le duele la espalda (His/her back hurts = He/She has a backache.)
- La espalda (back)
- El estomago (stomach)
- La pierna (leg)
- La rodilla (knee)
- El pie (foot)
- El brazo (arm)
- La mano (hand)
- El dedo (finger)
- La garganta (throat)
Estoy… (I’m…), Estás… (You are…), Está…(He or She is…)
- Bien (Well)
- Muy Bien (Very well)
- Enfermo / enferma (sick – male / female)
- Resfriado /resfriada (under the weather – male / female)
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How about Your Physical Descriptions in Spanish
Soy… (I’m…)
Eres…(You are…)
Es…(He or She is…)
- Guapo / Guapa (good-looking – male / female)
- Alto / Alta (tall – male / female)
- Chaparrito / Chaparrita (short – male / female)
- Grande (big)
- Pequeño / Pequeña (small – male / female)
- Joven (young)
- Mayor (old)
- Viejo / Vieja (old – male / female)
- Flaco / Flaca (skinny – male / female)
- Gordo / Gorda (fat – male / female)
- Rellenito / Rellenita (chubby – male / female)
- Mediano / Mediana (médium – male / female)
- Güero / Güera (fair skinned – male / female)
- Moreno / Morena (dark skinned or haired – male / female)
- Rubio / Rubia (blond – male / female)
- Pelirrojo / Pelirroja (redhead – male / female)
What Color Is Your Hair?
Tengo pelo…(color) (I have …hair)
Tiene pelo negro (She/he has black hair.)
Tengo pelo rubio (I have blond hair.)
Tienes pelo corto. (You have short hair.)
- Negro (black)
- Cafe / Marrón (brown)
- Oscuro (dark)
- Rubio (blonde)
- Claro (light)
- Pelirrojo (red)
- Canoso (gray)
- Corto (short)
- Largo (long)
Eye Colors in Spanish
Tengo ojos…(color) ( I have ….eyes.)
Tengo ojos azules (I have blue eyes.)
- Verdes (green)
- Azules (blue)
- Cafés (brown)
- Negros (black)
- Oscuros (dark)
- Claros (light)
Now you can describe all your friends and family!
Happy Spanish-ing!
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