Calendar in Spanish
Today, let’s cover some important calendar vocabulary in Spanish. Yes, the calendar in Spanish like the Spanish days of the week! We’ll start off with years and four seasons in Spanish, then move onto all the 12 months of the year. And of course, we’ll go over the days of the week in Spanish. Since these Spanish words are super common and useful in any conversation, so let’s get started!
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How to say “year” in Spanish?
Year | año |
Years | años |
Extra: Do you know how to say “Leap Year” in Spanish? It’s “año bisiesto.”
Note: Don’t forget the tilde (~). Without it, it means a totally different thing. You can find out what it means without a tilde in this post about the common Spanish mistakes.
What is the word for the season in Spanish?
Here’s how to say seasons in Spanish.
Season | estación |
Seasons | estaciones |
Note: the Spanish word “estación” also means “station” as in a train station, etc.
4 Seasons in Spanish
Now the four seasons in Spanish. First, these are a few Spanish sentences you will probably hear.
What is your favorite season?
¿Cuál es tu estación del año favorita?
My favorite season is summer.
Mi estación favorita es verano.
I like spring.
Me gusta la premavera.
Note: In Spanish, “la, las, el, los (the)” are used when it’s referring to a thing or things in a general way. You can learn more about the special usage of the Spanish articles that is not in English here.
Spring | primavera |
Summer | verano |
Autumn/Fall | otoño |
Winter | invierno |
“Month” of the year in Spanish
Month | mes |
Months | meses |
12 Months in Spanish
January | enero |
February | febrero |
March | marzo |
April | abril |
May | mayo |
June | junio |
July | julio |
August | agosto |
September | septiembre |
October | octubre |
November | noviembre |
December | diciembre |
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Are months in Spanish capitalized?
Unlike in English, the first letter of each month is not capitalized in Spanish. I know it looks kind of weird, but there’s no need to capitalize the months in Spanish.
How to say the days of the week in Spanish?
Week | semana |
Weeks | semanas |
Days of the week in Spanish
First, how do you say “Day” in Spanish?
Day | día |
Days | días |
Spanish days of the week
Now all the days of the week in Spanish…and notice the first letter of the days are not capitalized in Spanish.
Monday | el lunes |
Tuesday | el martes |
Wednesday | el miércoles |
Thursday | el jueves |
Friday | el viernes |
Saturday | el sábado |
Sunday | el domingo |
How to say weekend in Spanish?
Now, who wouldn’t want to talk about weekends, right?
the weekend | el fin de semana |
the weekends | los fines de semana |
Holiday | día festivo, día feriado |
Long weekend (e.g., 3-day weekend) | un puente |
Note: As you probably have noticed that the word for a weekend in Spanish is a bit longer than the English equivalent. In a colloquial conversation, many people say “un finde” (a weekend) instead of “un fin de semana”, especially in Spain.
What is the first day of the week in Spanish?
In the Spanish calendar, the first day of the week is Monday (lunes). However, some Mexican calendars show Sunday as the first day.
Note: In Spanish, the days of the week and months are not capitalized.
To Conclude the Calendar in Spanish
Now you can say days and months in Spanish to talk about your plans, what you did, when something happens, etc. You can talk about your daily routine using the day of the week in Spanish or your travel plans using months or seasons in Spanish as well. If you haven’t checked out our post about Daily Routine in Spanish, please head on over right now! We also have a post about 30 Spanish Conversation Starters, so don’t forget to visit the post as well. We’ll list some of the related posts below.
Happy Spanish-ing!
Related Posts:
- New Years Resolutions in Spanish
- 101 Common Spanish phrases for Travel You want to know
- Daily Routine in Spanish
- 64 Hobbies and Activities in Spanish
- 15 Spanish Learning Hacks I used to become fluent fast!
- Do you make these Spanish mistakes?
- 30 Spanish Conversation Starters every Spanish learner should know
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