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101 Common Spanish Phrases for Travel

It’s time to travel! Are you going to a Spanish speaking country? These 101 common Spanish phrases for Travel will help your trip go smoothly, and your journey will be much more enjoyable. If you can memorize these phrases before your trip, that’ll be ideal. 

But let’s face it, you are busy. Most likely, you’ll be even busier as your departure date gets closer. But don’t worry, I have created this common Spanish phrases for travel pdf for you! It contains all the travel phrases and words that appear in this post.

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101 Common Travel Phrases in Spanish PDF

Be sure to download it right now so you’ll have it on your cell phone, tablet, or laptop when you are abroad. It’s always a good idea to have it saved on your device, just in case you don’t have access to the Internet when you need it. You can sign up below to get a link to download the basic common Spanish phrases for the travel pdf file sent to you.

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What are the Common Spanish Phrases for Travel?

Here, we’ll cover 101 common Spanish phrases for travel that you will definitely want to know. 

First, let’s start with basic greetings and pleasantries, and move on to some of the very common and super useful Spanish verbs. Then we’ll talk about some Spanish travel phrases for getting around and shopping. 

Also, you’ll learn common Spanish phrases and words you will need at restaurants or hotels, and tourist activities. 

Lastly, we finish up with the important Spanish phrases for emergencies, just in case. So, let’s begin!

What are the Spanish words for travel?

First, what are the words for travel in Spanish? Below are the words that mean travel or a trip.

To travel – Viajar

To go on a trip – Ir de viaje

A trip – un viaje

Basic Spanish Phrases for Travel: Greetings and Pleasantries

When you are traveling to a Spanish-speaking country, learning some basic Spanish phrases goes a long way. Even if you don’t pronounce them correctly or make mistakes, most people would appreciate the time and effort you put into learning their language. So let’s start with some very basic Spanish phrases for travelers.

Hi – Hola

You can use this any time of the day as it means “Hi” or “Hello”, but people usually say this and then say one of the other greeting phrases below depending on the time of the day. So, for example, you might say, “Hola, Buenos días.”

Good morning

Buenos días

This is normally used in the morning hours before 12 noon.

Good afternoon

Buenas tardes

Then you would switch to “buenas tardes” in the afternoon until it gets dark outside.

Good night

Buenas noches

People would start saying “buenas noches” when it’s dark outside…maybe around 6pm-ish.

Good Bye – Adiós

A typical goodbye in any Spanish-speaking country in the world.

See you later.

Hasta luego.

Even though you may not be seeing each other for a long time or ever like a store clerk, it is common to say “hasta luegoespecially in Spain.

Excuse me (Can I have your attention?) / (Can I pass by?)

Discúlpe / Con permiso

So “Discúlpe” is used to get someone’s attention. “Con permiso” basically means “with your permission.” You would say this when you walk in front of someone or need to pass by people in a crowded place because they are blocking your way. It’s like saying, “Excuse me, I’m passing by you.”


Por favor

It’s always polite and good etiquette to say “please” in any country, right?

Thank you


Don’t forget to show your gratitude and appreciation when someone did something nice for you.

No thank you

No gracias

If you are not interested, you can politely decline by saying, “no gracias.”

What is your name? – ¿Cómo se llama usted?

This is a formal version and an informal version is “¿Cómo te llamas?” In Mexico or Latin America, it would be better to use the formal version. In Spain, the informal version is pretty common unless you are speaking to someone who is much older than you or a government official, doctor, police officer, etc., you get the idea. A general rule of thumb is if your conversation partner looks about your age or younger, then it’s safe to use the informal version.

My name is ________. – Me llamo ______.

This means literally, “I call myself _______.” You can also say “Soy + your name.”

Nice to meet you. – Mucho gusto (Mexico), Encantado/a (Spain)

In most Latin American countries, “mucho gusto” is the most common way to say “nice to meet you.” In Spain, if you are female, you would say “encantada”; and if you are male, you would say “encantado.”

How are you? – ¿Cómo está usted?

This is a formal way to ask how a person is. If you are talking to a friend or someone about your age or younger, you can say, ¿Cómo estás?”

I’m good. – Estoy bien.

Just a simple “bien” would work as well. However, to be more polite, you can add “gracias,” so it’ll be “estoy bien, gracias” or “bien, gracias.”

Do you speak English? – ¿Habla inglés?

If you are asking this question to someone, you probably don’t know this person. So it would be appropriate to use this formal form. If you are asking a child or someone who is about your own age or younger, you can use an informal form and say, “Hablas inglés?

I don’t speak Spanish. – No hablo español.

Yes / No – Sí / No

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Can you speak slowly? – ¿Puede hablar más despacio?

Natives seem to speak really fast when you first start learning a new language. So you can ask them to speak slowly.

Can you repeat it? – ¿Puede repetirlo?

You can also ask them to repeat what they have just said by saying this phrase.

I understand – Entiendo.

If you understand what they are saying, you can say “entiendo.” If not, you can say the following…

I don’t understand – No entiendo.

Well, if you don’t understand what they are saying, don’t just agree. Make sure you understand what they are saying by asking them to write it down. Once it’s written down, you can use Google to translate it!

Can you write it down, please? – ¿Puede escribirlo?

Yup, ask them to write it down or at least confirm by repeating what was said. You might want to keep a pen in your purse when traveling.

A little – un poco

You may hear other versions like “un poquito” or “un poquitín” meaning a little tiny bit.

A lot – mucho

Also, you can use “un montón” meaning “A LOT!”

Nothing – Nada

Well, I have nothing to add…ha ha ha, sorry… (by the way, in Spanish, ha ha ha is written “ja ja ja”)

What time is it? – ¿Qué hora son? (Mexico), ¿Qué hora es? (Spain)

For some reason, in Mexico, hora (hour) is used as a plural form, that’s why “son” is used instead of “es.”

Common Spanish Verbs for Travel: Need, Want, and Have

I need ________.

Necesito ________.

I don’t need _____.

No necesito _______.

I want ________.


I don’t want _______.

No quiero ________.

Do you have ______?

Tiene ______?

I have _______.

Tengo ________.

I don’t have _______.

No tengo ______.

Spanish Phrases for Transportation and Getting Around

Where is the bus stop? – ¿Dónde está la parada de autobús?

If you are looking for a bus station/terminal where many buses meet, you can use “Central de autobuses”, “Terminal de autobuses”, or “Estación de Autobuses.” The last one is more common in Spain.

Do you go to downtown? – ¿Va al centro?

If you are unsure about which bus to take, you can always ask the bus driver if his/her bus goes to where you intend to go before you get on.

How do I get to the Museum of Natural History? – ¿Cómo llego al museo de historia natural?

You can use this phrase to ask for directions to some place.

Is it close? – ¿Está cerca?

This is a bit tricky one because in most Spanish-speaking countries, people often tell you “it’s close,” but that doesn’t really mean it’s close! It could be, but you just never know how a person feels about a distance.

Is it far? – ¿Está lejos?

If it’s far, you can also ask ¿Cuánto tiempo se tarda en llegar allí?” – How long does it take to get there? to clarify how far it is.

What time does the train leave? ¿A qué hora sale el tren?

Whether it’s your train, bus, or flight, you can use this phrase to ask its departure time. The bus is “el autobús” and the flight is “el vuelo.”

It leaves at 8:30 in the morning. – Sale a las ocho y media de la mañana.

More about the numbers a little bit further down. If it’s in the morning, “de la mañana” and in the afternoon and early evening, “de la tarde.” And at night, “de la noche” and in the really early morning would be “de la madrugada.”

What time does it arrive? – ¿A qué hora llega?

So this is referring to the transportation or a third person (he/she/it). What time do we arrive? Would be ¿A qué hora llegamos?”

It arrives at 3 in the afternoon. – Llega a las tres de la tarde.

If you want to say “We arrive” then use “Llegamos.”

Where can I buy tickets? – ¿Dónde puedo comprar boletos? (Mexico), ¿Dónde puedo comprar billetes? 

In Mexico, tickets are called “boletos”; but in Spain, they are called “billetes.” “Billetes” also meansbills in both countries. For example, “un billete de dólar” means a dollar bill.

Round trip/one way – Viaje redondo / viaje sencillo (Mexico), ida y vuelta / Sólo ida (Spain)

I would like 2 tickets. – Me gustaría dos boletos. (First class, Economy class – premera clase, clase económica)

Again, tickets are “billetes” in Spain. One ticket would be “un boleto” or “un billete.”

I missed my flight. – Perdí mi vuelo.

Literally, it means “I lost my flight.” So, you can swap the noun and say “Perdí mi maleta” – “I lost my suitcase” as well.

Here’s my passport. – Aquí está mi pasaporte.

Another similar phrase is “Aquí lo tiene,” basically meaning “here you have it” or “here it is.”

I’m here on vacation/on holiday. – Estoy aquí de vacaciones.

In Spanish, vacation is usually plural “vacaciones.”

I’m going to stay for one week. – Me voy a quedar una semana (two weeks – dos semanas).

Staying only for a few days? Then you can say, “Me voy a quedar unos días.” “Day” in Spanish is “día” (singular) and “días” (plural) and month in Spanish is “mes” (singular) and “meses” (Plural).

Where is the baggage claim? – ¿Dónde está el reclamo de equipaje?

There are several different words for baggage claim: la cinta de maletas, la cinta de equipaje, la cinta de recogida de equipaje, etc. “Equipaje” means luggage.

I can’t find my suitcase. – No encuentro mi maleta.

If you can’t find a person, then you would add “a” in front of the person’s name. For instance, “No encuentro a Maria.”

How much does it cost to take me to________? (Taxi) – Cuanto por lleverme a _______?

Ask a cab driver how much it costs to take you to your destination before getting on the cab to avoid any unpleasant surprises. Researching how much a taxi to your destination should cost beforehand can give you a general idea.

Stop here, please. – Pare aquí, por favor.

Wait a moment, please. – Espere un momento, por favor.

Is it free? (open/available) – ¿Está libre?

Common Spanish Travel Phrases and Words for Shopping

I need to exchange dollars for pesos. – Necesito cambiar dólares por pesos.

Banks in other countries tend to close earlier than the ones in the U.S. So if you think you might need to get some cash out, don’t forget to plan ahead.

Is there______? – ¿Hay _____?

This one is very easy but useful at stores, restaurants, and many other places.

What is that? – ¿Qué es eso?

You can point something and ask “¿Qué es eso?” If it’s right by you, then¿Qué es esto?” (What is this?).

Can I see it? – ¿Puedo verlo?

¿Puedo?” means “Can I?” A very useful phrase. Definitely, it’s helpful to memorize this one.

I’m just looking. – Solo estoy mirando.

When you walk into a store and a store clerk asks you if they can help you find something. You can say, “Solo estoy mirando. Gracias.” if you don’t intend to buy anything. At most department stores, store clerks work on commission, so they tend to be very eager to help you.

Can I try it on? – ¿Me lo puedo probar?

“El probador” means the fitting room.

Do you have size 40? – ¿Tiene talla cuarenta?

Clothing and shoe sizes are quite a bit different in each country, so be sure to check online before you go and get a general idea.

Numbers: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100

Números: uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco, seis, siete, ocho, nueve, diez, veinte, treinta, cuarenta, cincuenta, sesenta, setenta, ochenta, noventa, cien

This quick study guide is packed with useful information and has a section on numbers as well. It is a perfect reference flip chart for beginners.

You can also learn how to pronounce Numbers in Spanish in this post.

t’s too big/small – Es demasiado grande/chico (or chica).

“Grande” means big or large, and “chico(a)” means small (you can also use “pequeño(a)”). I wouldn’t worry too much about whether the object you are referring to is a feminine or masculine noun at this point. People will understand you even if you don’t match the genders.

“Demasiado” means “too” something (adjective). So you can use it to say so many other things. For instance, “Es demasiado largo” (it’s too long), “Es demasiado corto” (It’s too short.).  

How much is it? – ¿Cuánto cuesta?

You can just point at something and say, “¿Cuánto cuesta?” And if you are buying multiple ítems and want to know how much the total cost is, you can say, ¿Cuánto cuesta en total?” or ¿Cuánto es?

It’s too expensive. – Es demasiado caro.

Similar to the phrase above. “Caro(a)” means expensive, and “barato(a)” means cheap.

Can you give me a discount? – ¿Me puede dar un descuento?

In Mexico and Latin America, if you are shopping at a local market, you can almost always get a discount. So it’s worth asking so you don’t end up paying tourist’s prices.

Do you have anything cheaper? – ¿Tiene algo más barato?

This is kind of similar to the one above. “Algo” means something or anything, and “más” means “more” and makes an adjective comparative when you put it before the adjective. Less is “menos.”

I’ll take it. – Me lo llevo.

If you like it and you’re going to buy it, then you’ll say “me lo llevo.” If you’re buying multiple items, a plural form of “lo” which is “los” should be used. So you’ll say “me los llevo.” If you want to be super correct, select one of the followings “lo, la, los, or las” to match the gender of the item(s) you are purchasing…but that’s not crucial at all, so no worries.

Do you accept credit card? – ¿Aceptan tarjeta de crédito?

Cash is “efectivo” and debit card is “tarjeta de débito” although most U.S. debit cards are not accepted at stores in foreign countries.

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What time does it open? – ¿A qué hora cierran?

In mid-to small-sized cities in Spain, many stores close for lunch for a few hours, then reopen after lunch. Their lunch is from about 2 pm to 4 or 5 pm.

What time does it close? – ¿A qué hora abren?

Banks tend to close earlier than the ones in the U.S., and they often have different (shorter) business hours for Fridays and Summer months as well.

Useful Spanish at a Restaurant or Hotel

While traveling, these Spanish phrases will definitely come in handy. At a bar or café, you can just pick any available table, but I would recommend making a reservation if you are going to a restaurant.

I have a reservation. – Tengo una reservación.

You can use this phrase at a restaurant or at a hotel when you check in.

Is there free wifi? – ¿Hay wifi gratís?

“El Usuario” is the user name and “la contraseña” is the password.

I lost the key to my room. (at a hotel) – Perdí la llave de mi habitación.

It doesn’t work. – No funciona.

If something in your hotel room doesn’t work, you can say, “No funciona + the thing that’s not working.

I would like _______. – Me gustaría _______.

You can also say, “Quisiera______” “Quisiera” is a more polite form of “quiero” – I want.

I would not like_______. – No me gustaría _______.

Is this spicy? – ¿Esto pica? or “Es picante?”

Mexican salsas can be super spicy, so I always ask before trying them…although they often say, “no, no pica nada!” – “no, it’s not spicy at all!” Spanish food is generally not spicy, though.

Is it sweet or salty? ¿Está dulce o salado?

If you are like me and enjoy trying new foods, you’ll need this phrase.

Gluten free – Sin gluten, Libre de gluten

Gluten-free products are not as common in Spain or Latin American countries as they are in the U.S. Or I should say most products are not labeled “gluten-free” as they are in the U.S.

The bill, please. – La cuenta, por favor.

You will need this phrase at restaurants.

Is tip included? – ¿Está incluído la propina?

In Spain, tipping is not customary at Tapas bars although appreciated. However, when dining at a restaurant in both Spain and Mexico, 10-15% of the bill is common if the service fee is not included.

Where is the bathroom? – ¿Dónde está el baño? or¿Dónde están los baños? (plural)

Another word for the restroom is “el servicio)” in Spain.

Occupied/busy – Ocupado

For example, “El baño está ocupado.” – The bathroom is occupied.

“Estoy ocupado(a)” – I’m busy.

Vacant – Libre (bathroom), Vacante (hotel rooms)

“Libre” also means available or free.

Essential Spanish Phrases for Tourist Activities

Is it free? (no cost) – ¿Es gratís?

Can I enter? (is it allowed to enter?) – ¿Se puede entrar?

If you are not sure if it’s okay to enter, it’s good to ask first, especially at religious places or semi-private tourist spots.

Is it safe? – ¿Es Seguro?

Is it dangerous? – ¿Es peligroso?

No smoking – No fumar.

Smoking is prohibited in enclosed public places in at least Spain and Mexico. So, bars, restaurants, nightclubs, etc. are non-smoking.

Do not touch – No tocar.

You’ll often see a sign with this phrase and an image of a hand crossed out at museums, historical buildings, etc.

I want to go to _______. – Quiero ir ______.

You can use this phrase for a taxi driver, a bus driver, someone when you are asking for a direction, etc.

Important Spanish Phrases for Emergencies

Can you help me? – ¿Me puede ayudar?

If you need help with your luggage or you are lost, this phrase will come in handy.

My wallet was stolen. – Me robaron mi caretera.

“Me robaron” + whatever the item that was robbed. Be extra careful of pickpockets, especially in big cities or in crowded places.

I don’t feel well. – No me siento bien.

When you feel better, you can say, “me siento mejor.” “Mejor” means better, and “peor” means worse.

My stomach hurts – Me duele el estómago.

The basic structure of this sentence is “Me duele” + the part of your body that is hurting. You can also find more phrases and vocabulary about your physical conditions on this post.

I need to go to hospital. – Necesito ir al hospital.

Remember the “H” is silent. So, you would pronounce “hospital” as though it’s “ospital” with an accent on the “a”.

Help! – ¡Socorro!

Hopefully, you won’t need to use this one or any of these phrases in this emergency section while traveling, but it’s better to be prepared. So, don’t forget to memorize this word just in case.

Are You Ready to Use These Spanish Phrases for Travel?

I’m so excited for you that you are going to Spanish-speaking countries soon or planning a trip in the future. Hope you have a super fun adventure wherever and whenever you go! I hope these Spanish travel phrases help your trip be trouble-free and filled with wonderful, lasting memories.

Oh, did you download our free basic Spanish phrases pdf? You can print it out and tuck it in your backpack pocket or save it on your digital devices. Here’s where you can download it.

Oh, one last thing…

How to say be safe in Spanish?

In Spanish, “Be safe!” can be translated as either one of these four phrases.

¡Que vuelvas sano y salvo! (Hope you return safe and sound)

¡Que regreses sano y salvo! (Hope you return safe and sound)

¡Que te vaya bien en tu viaje! (Hope everything goes well with your trip) 

¡Que te salga bien en tu viaje! (Hope everything turns out well for your trip).

As you have noticed that their literal translations are a bit different, but these are the closest phrases in Spanish that there are to “be safe” in English.

Don’t forget to check out this post: How to say Airport in Spanish: Spanish words and phrases you need at the airport.

Have an amazing trip and Happy Spanish-ing!

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Nice job! You got the basic Spanish phrases for greetings down. Now a little bit longer phrases, but don’t worry, they are not too complicated. Trust me, it’s worth learning these Spanish phrases.