What Are Your Hobbies in Spanish?
Imagine you have just met someone new from a Spanish-speaking country. You first strike a conversation in Spanish by introducing yourself and then you’ll probably start asking about where they are from, what they like to do, etc. So, it’s natural to start talking about your hobbies in Spanish. That’s why learning hobby words in Spanish can enable you to have a more interesting conversation with any Spanish-speaking friends or soon-to-be friends.
This list of Spanish hobbies and activities is packed full of activity words you can start using right off the bat! You can ask them what they enjoy doing in their free time in Spanish or what their favorite pastime activities are. Then you can say “I like….” in Spanish to share your hobbies and what you normally do on weekends or vacations. Knowing the vocabulary for activities in Spanish can expand your Spanish conversation horizons. You see the possibilities are endless! So, let’s get started!
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How to Say Hobbies in Spanish
Hobby – el pasatiempo, el hobby
Hobbies – los pasatiempos
Leisure – el ocio
Free time – el Tiempo libre

Useful Phrases for Hobbies in Spanish
¿Cuál es tu pasatiempo favorito?
What is your favorite hobby?
¿Cuales son tus pasatiempos favoritos?
What are your favorite hobbies?
¿Qué haces los fines de semana?
What do you do on weekends?
Me interesa….
I’m interested in….
Mi pasatiempo favorito es…
My favorite hobby is …
Mis pasatiempos favoritos son…
My hobbies are…
¿Qué te gusta hacer en tu tiempo libre?
What do you like to do in your free time?
Me gusta…
I like….
Me gusta mucho…
I like…a lot.
Tip: You can use this with things or activities with no problem. For example, Me gusta leer. (I like Reading.) or Me gustan mucho los gatos. (I like cats a lot.). When used with things, don’t forget the article. In Spanish, general, sometimes general things require an article like el, la, las, and los. And this is one of those cases.
However, when used with a person, it changes the level of liking. It adds a romantic connotation. So, if you say, Me gusta Jose, you are saying you like Jose in a romantic way. You are attracted to Jose. It doesn’t mean “I like him” in a casual, friendly way as in English.
Me encanta…
I love…
Tip: With the verb “encantar,” don’t use “mucho.” It already means the top level of “liking/loving something.
How to say Activity in Spanish?
Activity – la actividad
Activities – las actividades
A list of Different Types of Hobbies and Activities in Spanish
Ver un partido (to watch a sports game/match)
Ir de viaje (to go on a trip)
Ir de compras (to go shopping)
Ir al cine (to go to a movie)
Ir al club (to go to a club)
Ir a bailar (to go to dance)
Ir a pasear (to go take a walk)
Ir al partido de fútbol (to go to a soccer game)
Ir al bar (to go to a bar)
Ir a la playa (to go to a beach)
Ir al centro (to go to downtown)
Ir a la fiesta (to go to a party)
Ir a la boda (to go to a wedding)
Ir a acampar (to go camping)
Ver a un amigo (to see a friend)
Ver a un familiar (to see a relative)
Ver la tele (to watch TV)
Ver una película (to watch a movie)
Acampar (to camp)
Aprender (to learn)
Bailar (to dance)
Boxear (to box, to do boxing)
Cantar (to sing)
Cocinar (to cook)
Comer (to eat)
Correr (to run) – Me gusta corer (I like to run).
Coser (to sew)
Dibujar (to draw/sketch)
Escribir (to write)
Escuchar musica (to listen to music)
Esquiar (to ski)
Esquiar en el agua (to wáter ski)
Hacer ciclismo (to do cycling) or just use the noun: el ciclismo (cycling)
Hacer ejercicio (to exercise)
Hacer postres (to make desserts)
Hacer senderismo (to hike) or just use the noun: el senderismo (hiking)
Hacer snowboard (to snowboard)
Hacer tirolesa (to zipline)
Hacer manualidades (to do crafts)
Hacer yoga (to do yoga)
Jugar al baloncesto (to play basketball)
Jugar al béisbol (to play baseball)
Jugar al billar (to play pool / billiards)
Jugar al boliche (to play bowling)
Jugar al fútbol (to play soccer)
Jugar al fútbol americano (to play American football)
Jugar al golf (to play golf)
Jugar al ajedrez (to play chess)
Jugar a la barajas, jugar a las cartas, jugar a los naipes (to play cards)
Jugar videojuegos (to play video games)
Leer (to read)
Nadar (to swim)
Navegar por Internet (to surf the internet)
Patinar (to skate)
Pescar (to fish, fishing)
Pintar (to paint)
Sorfear (to surf)
Tejer (to knit)
Tocar el piano (to play the piano)
Tocar la guitarra (to play the guitar)
Tocar el violín (to play the violín)
Tomar fotos / Sacar fotos (to take pictures/photos)
Trabajar en jardín / hacer jardineria (to work in the garden/gardening)
Viajar (to travel) – Me encanta viajar (I love traveling.)
If you want to learn Spanish verbs easily, this book is a must-have!
Conversation Dialogue Using Spanish Hobby and Activity Words
Luis: ¿Tienes planes para este fin de semana?
(Do you have plans for this weekend?)
Maria: Sí, voy a ir a Puerto Vallarta.
(Yes, I’m going to Puerto Vallarta.)
Luis: Qué bueno. Qué vas a hacer allí?
(Great! What are you going to do there?)
Maria: Creo que voy a ir a la playa en la mañana, luego voy a comer en un restaurante en el centro, y en la noche voy a ir a bailar en un club. Me encanta bailar.
(I think I’m going to a beach in the morning, then I’m going to eat in a restaurant downtown, and in the evening, I’m going to dance in a club. I love dancing.)
Luis: Suena muy divertido. Qué te gusta hacer en la playa?
(It sounds like a lot of fun. What do you like to do at the beach?)
Maria: Me gustar nadar y tomar el sol.
(I like swimming and getting some sun.)
Luis: A mí también. Cuantos días vas a estar allí?
(Me, too. How many days are you going to be there?)
Maria: Solo 2 días, sábado y domingo.
(Only 2 days, Saturday and Sunday.)
Luis: ¡Que te diviertas!
(Have fun!)
Maria: Gracias. Y tú? Qué vas a hacer este fin de semana?
(And you? What are you going to do this weekend?)
Luis: Yo voy al cine con mi esposa. Hay un estreno de una película. Y seguro que mi esposa va a querer ir al centro comercial después. Le encanta ir de compras. Es uno de sus pasatiempos favoritos.
(I’m going to a movie with my wife. There is a premiere of a movie. And I’m sure my wife is going to want to the mall afterward. She loves to go shopping. It’s one of her favorite hobbies.)
Maria: A mí también me gusta ir de compras. ¡Que la pases bien!
(I like going shopping, too. Have a great time!)
Luis: Gracias. Hasta Luego.
(Thank you. See you later.)
My Hobbies in Spanish?
Well, me gusta aprender idiomas (I like learning languages). Since you are here, I assume you do, too! Don’t you think learning a new language is an exciting and rewarding journey? I can’t think of any other hobby that’s so much fun and so useful. I love being able to understand people from other cultures better and discover literally a whole new world!
Hope this post is helpful to you, and don’t forget to download the list of Spanish words for hobbies and activities pdf below. Please let me know if we’ve missed your favorite hobby or activities.
Happy Spanish-ing!
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